Protect Your Income and Wealth
Buy Highly Liquid Digital Property Assets

Property As Money.
TPX™Exchanges is the first inflation resistant utility, backed by property assets, with integrated global payment infrastructure for everyday real time payments for goods and services.
Inflation Resistant Wealth.
OwningTPX™ property assets ensures financial stability and long-term capital gains proportionate to increases in property prices over deflationary fiat currencies.
Buy Actual Real Estate
TPX™ offers Micro-Title Deeds Legal ownership of the title of physical (real) property
Portable Custody Solutions
Buy and store your title deeds on military grade secure wallets
Spend Anytime
Convert and keep the value of your fiat money in the liquid legal title of real world assets
Trade Real Estate like a Pro
Millions of buying and selling opportunities driven by retail, institutional and nation state demand
Our features
For deposits, withdrawals, secure storage and use in real time payments including Exchange Values (via MasterCard and VISA)
- Real Time fiat currency payments using your digital asset portfolio
- DARPA Military Grade Wallet Security
- Manage not just Property Titles, but all your Global Digital Asset Balances

All property purchases act as a store of value against the asset’s performance over time, and proportionate to increases and decreases in property values.
- Convert your depreciating Fiat Money to ‘Property Money’ and hedge against inflation
- Property Titles issued by the TPX™ Exchanges are enforceable, and recoverable, under existing Laws
- Our property Titles are highly liquid and redeemable for spending at anytime, by anyone, anywhere

For qualified individual and institutional investors, enhance your income with your property title ownerships by locking in liquidity in our Initial Property Offering (IPO) deal rooms and TPX™market place.
- Participate in our pre-IPO deal rooms and earn 45%-68% in real estate (*Terms Apply)
- Stake your Titles in our liquidity pools for a fixed term
- Earn between 1%-6% per month
- Profits are accessible via our digital asset wallets

Your portfolios performance and value is designed to work with governments and tax authorities. They operate net of any tax as may be legally be applied against any asset on any TPX™ Exchange
- Buy, Sell and Use property title assets anytime and benefit from real time tax optimisation
- Stakeholder/institutional/central bank grade asset specifically designed to be a tier 1 AAA rated asset suitable for reserve asset grate status and use

Register here for Early Access
Discover a new way of buying, selling, trading and exchanging Digital Asset Titles of Real Property
TPX™’s new application based technologies enables, with the existing global financial system, 24/7 instant liquidity of listed real estate and digital assets, permitting these assets to be used as real time ‘money’ in global Points-of-Sale payment systems.
Want to explore ‘liquid property’ with us? Then register here for early access to the TPX™application:
Get the app

Investor Enquiries:
For qualified investors, institutions, governments learn more about TPX™ Property Exchanges global deployment plans, investor opportunities and how we can shift the GDP of nation states:
Press Enquiries:
For journalists, academics, citizen journalists and social influencers please contact us for press packs, content, access to management and background information: